Friday, November 21, 2008

Katelynn Lost Her First Tooth !!!

Wow ! What an ordeal this was. Her tooth had been loose for almost a month. No one was allowed to touch it. On Sunday She let Dartell look at it, after a lot of convincing. I won't lie. Some wiggling did take place. Dartell asked Katelynn if she could see it again and before we knew it her tooth was out. She was in shock at first, but when she saw blood she lost it. Slowly she realized that she wasn't going to die. Then a sibling mentioned the "Tooth Fairy". That was all it took. She put it in some water and left it on the counter. The next morning she had a crisp $1 bill. Guess what she bought with it. A 6 inch solid chocolate santa. Thank you Tooth Fairy.


The Witt Family said...

That 1st picture is too funny, she looks so pained! What is it with these kids who think they are going to die when their tooth falls out? Ethan just lost another one and the drama that insues is almost comical if it didn't last so long....

CJ said...

Poor baby! Hi Dartell! Vicki, I really liked the movie. I will definitely buy it on DVD and it followed the book very well. I don't want to say too much more, I don't know if you have seen it yet, I'm no spoiler!

HeMarriedMedusa said...

Glad the Tooth Fairy came through - but I want a bite of that Chocolate Santa (if there's any Our internet is intermittent, but glad I got to see all your pics. Hugs to All!
